Insurance Company Denied The Hail Damage Claim

Bellator Claims Resolution 303-848-8557 Colorado

A homeowner in Loveland, Colorado faced a leaking roof due to hail damage confirmed by an experienced roofer πŸ—£οΈ. The insurance company denied the roof claim though they acknowledged hail damage on the awnings. The insurance company increased the rates also. 😑 The homeowner canceled the policy, and the insurer deducted nearly $1,000 from their account without notice. 😀

Despite policy documents suggesting a refund, the insurer refuses to provide one. 😑 The homeowner plans to contact the BBB. πŸ“žπŸ 

Secure your home 🏠 with Bellator Claims πŸ›‘οΈ! Don’t let insurance disputes leave your roof vulnerable. 🀠 Take action today to ensure you get the fair coverage you deserve. 🀝 We’re your authorized public adjuster, passionately fighting for your peace of mind and the security of your home. 😊 Let us handle the complexities while you protect your valuable investment. Contact us now! πŸ“ž

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